16 Weeks
Below outlines links to various important resources we encourage you to review after your 16 week appointment with your Midwife. If you would like to return to these resources later either scan the QR code on your "16 Weeks Postcard" or visit www.midlandmidwives.ca/16weeks.
*Note these resources are provided for educational purposes only. We do not endorse any specific resource. Information provided here is not intended to replace direct care and health advice provided by your Midwife. If you have any specific questions about you or your baby's health, please consult your Midwife.
Please click the links below to open PDF or web page.
We strongly recommend educating yourself on the journey ahead. Unfortunately, during your midwifery appointments we cannot cover all of this amazing information. We have pulled together some resources for you. Some resources are free and others are for a fee. The free courses are more general whereas the courses with a fee tend to be more detailed. Below is a list of prenatal classes that are available in our region or online.
1. Holiday Tyson (YouTube) - Online Prenatal classes - three videos (search: Holiday Tyson Prenatal Classes in YouTube).
2. Sarah Lavonne (YouTube) - Excellent short videos (10-20 min) about prenatal, labour and postpartum from a nurse in the United States. She has videos on many different topics. https://www.youtube.com/c/Sarah-Lavonne/video
3. Markham Prenatal Classes Online Prenatal Classes - Four 2-hour scheduled sessions that give an overview to the general population about the pregnancy, labour/birth and postpartum. https://markhamprenatal.com/
4. Birthing While Black - Free, online Prenatal Class for Black Women, people and families in Canada who are navigating the challenges of maternal health care in a system that perpetuates discrimination and racism. Open to Black folks of all genders, sexual orientations and family structures. https://ancestralhandsmidwives.thinkific.com/courses/BwB
5. Public Health Unit Online Prenatal Classes - You can do online at your own pace. Information is general in nature and does not have a large time commitment. https://www.simcoemuskokahealth.org/Topics/PregnancyandBefore/PrenatalClasses/OnlinePrenatal
6. Dr. Jack Newman's Visual Guide to Breastfeeding (35 min)
7. Global Health Media - Breastfeeding Attachment - Breastfeeding Series (10 min)
1. Nurtured Childbirth Education Classes - With Midwife Emily. All virtual classes and four scheduled Zoom sessions plus self-paced video content and resources. Find more information here: https://www.nurturedchildbirtheducation.com/
2. Dr. Jack Newman's Breastfeeding Clinic - Located in Toronto for in-person support. Alternatively, online 3 hour breastfeeding class, $100 cost. Register at: https://ibconline.ca/online-prenatal-class/
Do not forget to also check out our library at clinic for videos and books! You can search our library from home on our website: https://www.midlandmidwives.ca/library