The Breastfeeding and Newborn Clinic is dedicated to helping you with your postpartum journey and we offer services in both English and French. We provide assessment and treatment plans on infant feeding, neonatal jaundice and well-mom and baby care. Our Board-Certified Lactation Consultant and Registered Midwife is available for both prenatal and postpartum individual appointments to discuss any specific concerns that you may have.
Some things that may be reviewed with the Lactation Consultant include:
Latching difficulties
Low milk supply and possible need for medication treatment
Engorgement or overactive milk supply
Breast or nipple pain
Suspected infection or mastitis
Inducing lactation (adoption, surrogacy, non-childbearing female partner)
Poor and/or slow weight gain in breastfed infant
Breastfeeding multiples or tandem nursing
Breast pump education and/or trouble shooting
In addition, our midwives can offer assessment and management of newborn jaundice, including blood work and admission to hospital for phototherapy, if necessary. Our team can also make referrals to the paediatricians at Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital as needed.
This service is available to anyone in the first 8 weeks after having a baby and/or anyone, at any time, during their breastfeeding journey. You do not need to be a current client of the Midland Midwives by the Bay.
Our services are free and you do not need a health card to access them.